Human Happiness and quality of physical and mental life

In recent years, human happiness has become more important than the economic system itself. Finally, our mental and physical health are priorities.

This time, I’m looking for images that represent this emotional and physical balance, images that conveys this new reality to all our readers. Make it beautiful, relaxing… As great as you can!

If you use text in these images, remember to write in English, so that we can reach our international audience. Health is one of the most important things in life, let everyone know about it!

Images can be edited or not, be collages, include effects, text… You have creative freedom as long as the following requirements are met:

  • For each challenge, a minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 10 images will be submitted.
  • File format: jpg.
  • Each file cannot be bigger than 5 Mb.
  • Colour and black and white photos will be accepted.
  • The images must belong to the participants.
  • If they are part of a collage or edited, images from third parties can be used, as long as they are free to use or the copyright permits it.
  • All images must include a caption in text format, between 5 and 15 words, as a title for the pictures or describing what is seen in the image.

Get to work! you can do it!



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