Street Art and Social Justice

Since the late 1960s, artist-activists have used community murals to honour community accomplishments and heritage, portray social criticism, depict injustice or regard for differences and oftentimes, display peaceful scenes of dreams for the future. Public art, specifically community murals and mosaics, serve as voices for those who wish to be heard.

Many artists create work that intersects with political activism and social justice causes. Thus, art has been used as an accessible tool for communication, raising awareness about social issues and affecting positive change.

Explore your city or neighbourhood, what do you see? Do the walls speak to you? What social values and societal issues do they carry?

Take your mobile, camera or, if you prefer, draw on your tablet your favourite graffiti. You can also make a nice collage of several murals!

But make sure that your product respects the following:

  • A minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 10 images can be submitted
  • File format: jpg.
  • Each file cannot be bigger than 5 Mb.
  • Colour and black and white photos will be accepted.
  • The images must belong to the participants.
  • If they are part of a collage or edited, images from third parties can be used, as long as they are free to use or the copyright permits it.

• All images must include a caption in text format, between 5 and 15 words, as a title for the pictures or describing what is seen in the image.



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